Frame Symbols in the Summary Pane

Frame Symbols
Symbol Description

A green dot means the frame was decoded successfully, and the protocol listed in the Summary Layer drop-down box exists in the frame. No dot means the frame was decoded successfully, but the protocol listed in the Summary Layer drop-down box does not exist in the frame.

A green circle means the frame was not fully decoded. There are several reasons why this might happen.

  • One reason is that the frame compiler hasn't caught up to that frame yet. It takes some time for the analyzer to compile and decode frames. Frame compilation also has a lower priority than other tasks, such as capturing data. If the analyzer is busy capturing data, frame compilation may fall behind. When the analyzer catches up, the green circle changes to either a green dot or no dot.
  • Another reason is if some data in the frame is context dependent and we don't have the context. An example is a compressed header where the first frame gives the complete header, and subsequent frames just give information on what has changed. If the analyzer does not capture the first frame with the complete header, it cannot decode subsequent frames with partial header information.

A magenta triangle indicates that a bookmark is associated with this frame. Any comments associated with the bookmark appear in the column next to the bookmark symbol.

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